There are several common skin lesions that pose no threat to your health, however, you may still want to remove for cosmetic reasons. These include skin tags and warts. CryoPen offers a quick and effective solution to skin lesion removal, as well as providing treatment in the removal of age spots, pigmentation and birthmarks.
CryoPen uses nitrous oxide gas against the skin. The tip of the CryoPen reaches a temperature of -89°C, creating a thermal shock in the target skin or lesion. The freezing temperature kills the cells, destroying the lesion or problem area.
Compared to other treatments, CryoPen does not require anaesthesia, is non-invasive and can be used to treat virtually any skin lesion. With treatment times typically lasting less than two minutes, CryoPen offers the fastest lesion removal around.
Treatments take between 5 seconds and 2 minutes, meaning patients can be quickly in and out of the clinic and back to their day.
Patients usually report minimal discomfort during the procedure, describing the feeling as having a pen pressed against the skin. This discomfort only lasts a few seconds. A mild stinging may follow the procedure.
The area treated may become temporarily red or blistered. A scab may form in the days following the procedure, however, this will fall off after a few days. It is important not to pick at the scab as this can lead to scarring.
After one or two treatments, results are permanent. If a skin lesion returns, it is possible that you are prone to their development in a specific area.